Hi and thank you

to all who attended the Neighbourhood Plan meeting held in the Band room this evening.  Councillor Elizabeth Townsend BEM explained what is in the Plan and how it will help to steer planning applications in the future – if voted for and adopted. The Plan requires Waverly BC to uphold the wishes of residents on many valuable issues.  It was good to see several of the original volunteers on the Neighbourhood plan from 2013/14.  Councillors Marc Scully and others attended as well. Many visitors had read the plan and had searching questions.

Cranleigh Society is here to listen, find out and represent our community

please encourage people to look at our pages.

Unfortunately – the referendum of 29th February has been postponed

by a High Court order – apparently the reasons will be explained later

Let’s be patient and not speculate

Make sure you apply to vote – now that it is postponed you haven’t lost your chance.