Berkeley Homes update

UPDATE JULY 2021 Almost four years ago Berkeley Homes raised an appeal against the Waverley Borough Council’s decision to refuse Berkeley Homes permission to erect 425 dwellings on the land south of the high street between Alfold Road and Knowle Lane. Berkeley Homes subsequently won the appeal via the Planning Inspectorate giving it the approval for the project with conditions attached.

Many conditions were asked of Berkeley Homes, one was for the “reserved matters” which encompassed details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and these were required to be submitted to the local planning authority for approval before development could begin. Since then, Berkeley Homes have submitted and gained approval for their plans to develop Phase 1, which is the area stretching from Knowle Lane to the back of Stocklund Square. They have also gained approval to develop Phase 2 which is the site adjacent to Alfold Road.

All the 55 properties in Phase 1 have been constructed and occupiers have moved into these new homes. Phase 2, which accounted for 148 dwellings, was split into Phase 2.1 (18 homes) and 2.2 (130 homes) and the details submitted have been approval by the Planning Committee and many of these dwellings have been built and been occupied by occupiers.

Berkeley Homes has now sought approval for the details of Phase 3 of the development which extends from the Phase 2 properties all the way to the land south of the end of Sainsbury’s Carpark. Phase 3 will contain 197 dwellings and is the largest of all the four phases. The decision on the details of the “reserved matters” for the properties of Phase 3 is still pending, though a decision should be expected shortly.

There is currently no information about Phase 4 which will sit in the area between Phase’s 1 and 3. However, it shall include the rest of the 425 homes which permission was originally given for Berkeley Homes to develop. The entirety of the Berkley Homes development is known as Leighwood Fields.
