Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan

In 2010 The Government thought that if people had the chance to shape where housing could be built in each village and town in advance of planning applications, the housing would be built out more quickly! So we have to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.  Click Here to complete a consultation on the latest version – ours is still not agreed by a Government inspector.

Planning Laws

Our Planning Laws are complex and subject to the directives of central government at any given time.  We elect volunteer Councillors at 3 levels here in Cranleigh, and we pay for Officers at those councils to do their best on our behalf.  They, in turn, pay for outside consultants when their expertise is not enough to answer complex problems. There is no sign of Dunsfold being built at the moment – the access road was a separate planning application – this is a problem for Waverley as they have to show the Government that they are allowing enough new housing into the borough.

As you know every county has experienced house building explosions on an epic scale for many years – certainly, I remember,  a government minister in 2007 proclaiming that we must build millions of new homes because we have millions of new people in Britain.  An interesting point to make is that ‘they say’ a country that is building is thriving – financially……..  you may take issue with that ideal!

Historical context

Our village appeared hundreds of years ago because it was in a cut between wooded hills and had plenty of fresh water for crops and animals.  So all buildings have had to take the watercourses into account which are under or alongside most roads. The osier beds were used to grow willow for basketmaking.  Cranes prefer wet areas and were frequent visitors, leading to the name Cranley….

So what can our planning authority  – Waverley Borough Council – WBC – do within the laws ?

The officers examine an application on our behalf and advise the councillors about the legality of the application.  They in turn examine it and vote on it.  They also listen to the public.  BUT many, many applications win on appeal – which is a legal process.


Provision of fresh water, sewerage systems, electricity, doctors, school places, and ability to drive around the roads, parking,  broadband, mobile phone signals and bus services.

There are legal obligations on all infrastructure providers to catch up with developments, but Cranleigh has yet to be serviced appropriately since the new housing has been built out.  Our councils can’t control the build out rate, or the rate at which tax money comes in per agreements (section 106, CIL and others) and can sometimes loose the promised cash for projects such as upgrading the High Street!

Gas boilers are being phased out

The Government has said that new housing can no longer be fitted with gas boilers after 2025, so any developments before then will probably have them!  Recently new housing has not included alternative sources of energy – how can that be right?  Retrofitting is so distressing!

When commenting on a planning application on line or by letter – WBC 

‘What to include in your objection or support

We have a statutory duty to take into account the Local plan and any other material considerations. These might include issues such as:

  • loss of light
  • overlooking / loss of privacy
  • parking / loading / turning issues
  • increase in traffic
  • noise and disturbance
  • loss of trees
  • road access
  • proposals in the local plan
  • previous appeal decisions
  • local, strategic, regional and national planning policies.

What cannot be considered 

  • matters controlled under building regulations or other non-planning laws
  • private issues between neighbours
  • loss of value of property
  • problems with the construction period of any works
  • unproven health implications.’

We have met and enjoyed the company of many newcomers recently and in no way wish to make them feel unwelcome!  We have heard about footpaths not being built as promised, in particular, which has caused great distress.

That’s all for now folks, thank you for being on our mail list and for reading – you can comment below.